EPS (Earthquake Protection Systems, Inc.)
Earthquake Protection Systems’ mission is to apply advanced seismic isolation
technology to the design and construction of resilient and sustainable facilities
that can function after an earthquake. Using multi-stage seismic isolation, it is
now economical to design facilities to protect contents, non-structural components,
and structures from damage during the most severe earthquakes. New construction can
cost less than minimum code designs based on traditional ductility design.
Consequently, designing for continued functionality is now an economical and
practical alternative to code designs that implement only the minimum life
safety standards as required by law.
EPS is the world leader in seismic isolation design and manufacture.
We have the highest engineering qualifications, technologically advanced products,
the broadest implementation experience, and the most comprehensive manufacturing
and testing. We respond to the worldwide demand for seismic isolation bearings
with on time delivery at competitive prices.